Annual Parents Meet And Christmas Party
AURED has its Annual Parent Meet annually along with a Christmas Party, which is attended by over
200 people i.e. current and past students, their parents, along with donors, friends and well-wishers.
In 2018, the theme of the party was based on jungle animals – ‘Save our Forests. Save our Animals. Save our Earth’. Live-sized fibre glass
animals had been installed in the garden to aid therapy and to give the children a realistic perspective of wild-life. Children came
dressed up as wild animals and participated in an animal parade. Therapists and a couple of AURED students organized a puppet show
which was well appreciated. Children were made aware of conservation of animals through posters. One of the older ex-students,
Sunny, played the role of Santa Claus. He distributed a bagful of giftsand chocolatesto one and all. Games were organized for the
various age groups, and ex-students undertook the task of teaching the young ones, in groups, about the habits and habitat of jungle
animals. Finally, lunch boxes were distributed and everyone went home tired but happy.
Animal Parade

Puppet Show

In 2019, the Annual Day and Christmas Party was held on 21st December. Children performed the Nativity Scene which depicts the birth
of Jesus Christ. Carols were sung by the parents and staff during the play, This was followed by several games for different age groups
which were enjoyed by all and of course concluded with Santa distributing gifts to everyone, followed by snacks. Hopefully our children
understood that Christmas is not just about Santa Claus!