Audiological Management

When a child comes to AURED, a series of audiograms and hearing tests are conducted.
Once the child is diagnosed with hearing loss, hearing aid trials are carried out for immediate fitting of appropriate amplification devices i.e. hearing aids, followed by a cochlear implant, if
required, along with skilled and effective ‘Aural Habilitation ‘. There are four cochlear implant
manufacturing companies and AURED has the facilities and skill to map cochlear implants of
all four.
Mapping is the audiological management of implants and is required at regular intervals. As
with Auditory Verbal Therapy, due to the pandemic situation, AURED has started online
mapping i.e. tele-mapping and trouble-shooting of the device. Tele-mapping is the long distance audiological management of Cochlear Implants to maximise listening skills. This has had an
impact on children who have to travel long distances, out-station children and children from other countries. It has enabled families to save money on travel, accommodation and time.

Empowering every deaf child with
the gift of spoken language
Facilities we provide
- OAE - Oto Acoustic Emissions
- Ear mould measurements
- Audiogram aided and unaided
- VRA - Visual Reinforced Audiometry
- Hearing Aid Bank
- Hearing Aid trials and selection
- Programming for cochlear implant recipients including switch on and mapping.
- Impedance Test
The Aziza Grid
Aziza Tyabji Hydari, over a period of 6 years 2000-2005, researched and developed the ‘Aziza
Grid’. It is a tool to aid Audiological Management and Habilitation of children who have received Cochlear Implants. The grid has been recognized internationally and has a US copyright. The GRID was developed because there was a dearth of tool to explain complex terms of mapping parameters. It was developed primarily to give a visual picture of the map
and to enhance communication amongst audiologist/therapist/teacher and parent.
It serves several purposes:
a) Tracking children’s speech perception progress post switch-on
b) Guidelines in setting appropriate auditory goals
c) Trouble-shooting

Visual Reinforced Audiometry
A unique Visual Response Audiometry (VRA) device has been developed to recognise
frequency specific responses by infants even as young as 5 months old.